8 Specific Simple Sales Process that works for B2B & B2C

8 Specific Simple Sales Process that works for B2B & B2C

A simple sales process that works, and has proven itself worldwide, is the ABC, 123 Sales Results System. It is based on the book Up Your Bottom Line has been ranked #7 among the world's top 30 sales theories.

The A stands for Attitude, B for Behaviour and C for Competency. Each of the A, B and C components has three sub sets. In Attitude and Behaviour the three subsets are:

1. You
2. The Organization
3. The Market

In C, Competency, the three subsets are: Building Relationships, Qualifying prospects, and Prescribing solutions.

Each of these subsets breaks down into another three subsets. This leads to a sales process which is as simple as the following eight steps, particularly when it applies to face to face selling B2B or B2C.

  1. Build Rapport - This 1st step in the sales process is most important in order to build the required trust necessary to move forward. Without rapport, you might as well pack up and leave. Through the use of advanced NLP techniques and the asking of open ended questions, the prospect feels comfortable and starts to open up. The job of the sales person is to make their prospects comfortable and to initiate conversation. The more they talk, the more you listen, the more you learn and the more they like and trust you.
  2. Set Parameters - Parameters or ground rules in the sales process are set once rapport has been established. The parameters are set around the amount of time required for the meeting, and what the prospect's objectives are for that time frame, followed by your objectives. You must request permission to ask questions and to take notes, then, ensure the customer is comfortable with the fact you may not be able to help them in the end. Remember you cannot solve everyone's problem. A simple statement like, "I may or may not be able to help you. If I can't, are you ok with me telling you that I cannot help? If I'm able to help, I will inform you immediately... Are we comfortable this honest approach with each other and working on a "yes or no" basis? "
  3. Uncover buying motivators - Buying motivators are the reason people buy and they are usually emotional reasons. Your job is to ask questions during this part of the sales process in order to uncover the buying motivators. Without buying motivators, there is no reason to buy. No pain, no gain.
  4. Uncover financial ability - In this step of the sale process, you summarize the buying motivators and uncover the extent of their budget by asking a question such as, "Do you have a budget set aside for these issues?" If the answer is no, ask, "How do you intend to proceed?" However, if the answer is yes, ask, "Can you share it with me in round numbers?" If not, use bracketing techniques. It is your job not to quote a price but to get them to quote their budget.
  5. Uncover decision making - This step follows summarizing buying motivators and financial ability. You need to ask, "When will you be making a decision?" and "Who, other than yourself, is involved in the decision making process?" If you don't ask these questions, you don't get it! Remember this is a step by step sales process and each step has to be fully completed before moving onto the next step.
  6. Summarize - In this step of the sales process, you summarize all that you have learned with regard to the buying motivators, the financial ability and the decision makers. You have now qualified the prospect and should be in a position to know if you can help them or not. If not, tell them honestly just as you mentioned earlier in setting the parameters. If you can help them, tell them you can and ask this question, "As discussed earlier, I believe I have a solution to your needs. Are you still okay with giving me a yes or no answer subsequent to my presentation?"
  7. Prescription - This is the presentation step in the sales process. This is where you only present solutions specific to the needs, the budget and the timing previously identified, but nothing more. Sell today and educate tomorrow. Now is the time you can help them buy. The closing line is "What would you like me to do next?" They will say, "Where do I sign?"
  8. Relationship follow up and maintenance - This final step in the sales process is to thank them for their order and to educate them on value added items that are included. It is essential to follow up and to maintain a relationship with the client thusly, enticing referrals and introductions.


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