
Showing posts from June, 2016

from "Doing a Job" to "Living a Mission"

This article is inspired by a mail from Robin Sharma and the mail made me THINK!... Honestly speaking we all in some way or the other have done some great contributions in our lives, contributions and acts which have affected at least one person (or many). Don’t we all wish our those contributions or acts to be remembered for life times…?  Actually we can all be immortals… Yes WE CAN BE IMMORTALS Let me begin with a beautiful aphorism,  Hana wa hiraku bankoku no haru , from  Moon by the Window  by Shodo Harada Roshi: “A single flower blooms and throughout the world it’s spring. In Zen, the word flower often refers to the Buddha, who is said to have been born under flowers, to have become enlightened under flowers, to have transmitted the Dharma with a flower, and to have passed away under flowers. “When the Buddha was enlightened under the bodhi tree, he saw the morning star and exclaimed, “How wondrous! How wondrous! All beings from the origin are e...

We no longer live in that World

We no longer live in that World WHY SALES TEAMS ARE STILL ACTING LIKE ITS THE 1960s Looking back at the way retail stores used to sell their wares is similar to how too many companies are doing it now. The way people used to sell “what” they did made a lot of sense. There was no Internet, no was the main form of entertainment. Stores used to paint their services on the spaces available — the signage, the wall on the sign of the building. There was no other way to understand what a store sold or what it was for. Where else could you look? So the opportunity to list every possible thing a store owner used was a primary concern. This was the only way to pass on that information to passersby, to help direct a potential customer into the store. WE NO LONGER LIVE IN THAT WORLD. For the past 50 years or longer, we have been able to provide information to the masses to categorize, target and deliver our messages to potential customers. There is no longer the need...

Rural Healthcare - The basic Challenges and Steps in creating a Hospital’s Strategic Marketing Plan

Rural Healthcare - The basic Challenges and Steps in creating a Hospital’s Strategic Marketing Plan The heart of this article is focused on developing how to achieve their goals and objectives.  The first step in “walking the talk” starts with how we approach the story. 1. The challenges facing rural hospitals in marketing 2. The Steps to Creating Hospital’s Strategic Plan “ The codfish lays ten thousand eggs, The homely hen lays one. The codfish never cackles, To tell you what she’s done. And so we scorn the codfish, While the humble hen we prize, Which only goes to show you, That it pays to advertise. ” So, we know that marketing is more than just advertising…  however, this anonymous poem points out the need to make sure others know what it is we do- especially what it is we do well.  As we continue to see the healthcare environment change, and to get more and more competitive, it’s important that there is some time spent focusing on ...