Inspiring Excellence through Stretch Goals

Using Stretch Goals to I nspire Excellence in Team Stretch goals can motivate people to achieve the seemingly impossible. Some of the world's greatest feats were accomplished by people not smart enough to know they were impossible. – Doug Larson, journalist. Think about some of the things people have accomplished that previously seemed impossible: examples include the Wright Brothers' first flight, space exploration, face transplantation, and the eradication of polio in India. We can achieve greatness by setting extremely ambitious goals – these can push people to new heights and inspire them to do amazing things. However, if we set goals like this carelessly in the workplace, they can backfire and lead to loss of credibility, disengagement, stress, and burnout. Goals like this are often known as "stretch goals." Let’s see how you can use them effectively with your team. What are Stretch Goals? "An organizational goal with an objective prob...